Aubrey, TX 76227

One App for Total Body Wellness

Our new Stretch4Life app is packed full of tools for body and mind. We have incorporated stretches, body meridians and essential oil information to bring you a comprehensive app for total body wellness.

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The Stretch4Life offers a variety of stretches that help with a lengthy list of ailments. Each ailment when clicked reveals a description of the ailment along with meridians, stretches, reflexology points, micro-current points, massage points and essential oils.

Stretch4Life Applications from the Stretch4Life App


The Stretch4Life offers a variety of stretches that help with a lengthy list of ailments. Each ailment when clicked reveals a description of the ailment along with meridians, stretches, reflexology points, micro-current points, massage points and essential oils.

Posture Fixes Stretch4Life App

Posture Fixes

How is your posture? Many people don’t know what is correct posture and how their posture could be effecting their health. With this simple tool you can learn how you are walking, if it is correct and if it is incorrect how to fix it. A simple way to see if you have correct posture is to do a footprint test. Lay down some craft paper and walk across it with wet feet. The type of footprint you leave will help you determine what type of posture you have. Note: The full detailed instructions are available on the app.

Specialty Stretches

Specialty Stretches

Stretch4Life has developed speciality stretches for three distinct areas where special stretches are needed: sports, pregnancy and renewal. With these stretches many people have found vast improvement in their overall health and wellbeing.

Stretch4Life App Stretches Screenshot


Most people think of a handful of stretches when they think about stretching their body. But what about stretching your face? Your hips? Your hands? Stretch4Life has created an abundant list of videos to help cover practically every area of your body to get the maximum benefit of your stretches. Watch the short videos on your mobile app for ease and convenience. Now you can stretch anywhere – in your hotel, on vacation, even at the airport while you wait for your plane!

Frequently Asked Questions

Stretch4Life is not just about massages and stretching, we are dedicated to overall wellness including nutritional information, sleep, and how the body works in general. We have pulled together a list of frequently asked questions to help educate you on many things related to the body and your health.

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