About Stretch4life
Discover Our Story: Who We Are and What We Stand For
- Owner, Licensed Massage Therapist
- Lori Walter LMT developed the Stretch 4 Life Massage Technique because of her passion to help people restore their muscle strength and range of motion. Through this method, our Massage Therapists aid in reducing – or totally eliminating – pain through specific stretch routines, which we personally develop for our clients.
- Clients will need to call to set up an appointment with Lori.
Assessment using: - • Avazzia
• Muscle Testing with Touch Therapy
• Zyto Scan
• Athos Gear
- Ed has been on the journey of S4L along side me since it’s conception. Ed came up with the name of Stretch for Life for my first book/DVD. He comes to the world of massage from years of listening to people who have a product that needs to be manufactured off of a drawing and sometimes just a sketch on a napkin. His ability to visualize a 3 Dimensional structure has been perfected with years of practice. Taking on the challenge of massage with a focus on service to each individual client with skill and application of our patented stretches is a profession he has trained for as long as I have because he has been in the process of training and learning with me side by side. I recommend Ed as my newest Massage Therapist.